28 abril 2020

Dennis, The Menace, creates a secret album on a German Hill

There is a mist around this record that probably begins at the cover. An inexpressive building at the top of a hill. A building where the windows are also inexpressive, like muted windows.  It starts with rail station announcements, just as Agitation Free’s “Malesch” starts with a proposal to fly: “You drive the aeroplane, I play the drums”. What follows is indeed a trip, but a quiet trip. On the second track, a low plane flies above us. The music starts. It is just an exploration, it could be a home jam. The quality of the recording is not great. Nevertheless, it has that obscure flavor of a private session; something you were not supposed to witness but slipped out in a form of and 8-track tape. Then you realize that the musicians come from such groups as FRUMPY, THIRSTY MOON, XHOL, TOMMORROW'S GIFT and OUGENWEIDE. For the newbie in German 70’s progressive music, they are not the most shiny ones on the pack. But they ensure great diversity. And as you listen, you notice a sense of adventure, side by side with the sense of abandonment. Side 2 begins with Fender Rhodes and flute that are not faraway from the first Return to Forever album. Then you read the comments on the back cover “don’t take it too seriously”. This could be the Sinatra’s “In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning” in a parallel dimension. This could be Nina Hagen’s children lullaby. This could be a frozen Earthbound. This could be a new wave of Soft Machine’s Fourth. This could be something that you are not meant to listen. But you did. And so…

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